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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

House System & Advisory Program

Building Friendships, Relationships, and Lifelong Memories!

Pope Saint John Paul II Preparatory School is unique. Because we believe that education extends beyond the classroom, we established programming to encourage relationship-building through a House System and Advisory Program at the founding of our school. 

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The House System


The House System creates smaller communities within the school to encourage friendships, promote school spirit, develop student leadership, and foster responsibility, accountability, and healthy competition.


The houses hold the name of a pope whose example of openness, faith, and service to others inspires us to live a Christ-centered life. Each house includes a balanced mix of 6th-12th graders. 

Lifelong Memories

A spirited, close community is formed. Students build meaningful, healthy relationships with one another, faculty, staff, and coaches, develop leadership skills, and learn how to communicate ideas and work as a team.


House Council

The student House Council  helps plan social events, school spirit days, school dances, intramural house competitions, and house games. The House Council also leads student orientation days under the direction of Student Life personnel.

Our Advisory System

Creating Lasting Friendships

The Advisory System creates small student groups that provide a welcoming, more personal environment to form peer friendships and a constant connection with a familiar teacher.

Guidance From Orientation to Graduation

Advisors are assigned to small groups of students through the House System and remain with that group from 6th grade to graduation. The Advisory meets weekly to communicate school policy and student activities and provides an opportunity grade monitoring.

Developing The Whole Student

Students form lasting relationships with their peers and attain an advocate in their Advisor. The Advisor acts as a second set of eyes, helping to monitor student academic progress, peer relationships, and student life matters.

Student grabbing a cookie at the House of Gregory feast.

"How pleasant it is, when brothers dwell together as one!"

- Psalm 133

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Faith Life

JPII Traditions

Dining Services