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A group of choir students performing on stage.


Song touches the soul and expresses every human emotion.

Whether students are novices or have years of lessons and performance experience, students will learn the basics, such as reading music, note reading, counting rhythms, and identifying key and time signatures. Correct breathing techniques will become second nature, leading to proper vocal techniques and confidence in the singing voice. 

Dream Without Boundaries

Everyone starts somewhere, why not dream without boundaries and set the bar at G in the high 10th octave? Students passionate about choral music can begin in a foundational class and work toward a Carnegie Hall performance. 

Grow With Your Voice

We offer a beginning choir in middle school, high school men’s and women’s choirs, an auditioned traditional chamber choir, and a highly competitive auditioned contemporary a cappella ensemble, Voices uKnighted.

Group of students singing on stage.

Attain Lofty Goals

Our choral students consistently perform annually in mid-state and all-state ensembles and receive superior ratings at Solo and Ensemble. The Tennessee Governor’s School continuously selects JPII students to attend its highly competitive summer program. Students attain lofty goals like recording and releasing original music.

Mens Choir singing during a performance.

Choral Programs

Choral Accomplishments Worth Singing About

Mid State Ensemble

All State Ensemble

Tennessee Governor's School Summer Program

Solo Contest

Ensemble Contest

Carnegie Hall Performance

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Our choirs perform three annual school events and share their talents at festivals, invitationals, and community events. They have even traveled worldwide, including Italy, Carnegie Hall, Orlando, and Memphis.

Lost in Japan

Lean On Me

“Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.”  - Psalm 47:6


Music is more than chords, notes, and rhythms - music takes us on a journey.


Learning comes alive on the stage through play, humor, and laughter.

Visual Arts

The act of creating visual art allows students to explore their inner selves and express their creativity and imagination.