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Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Music is more than chords, notes, and rhythms - music takes us on a journey.

Music stirs up an array of emotions. It reminds us of the past, motivates us to action, and moves us to tears. Music enhances learning.

Robust Education Creating Musicians

Music is a part of all of our lives. Just as our taste for different foods changes over time, so do our music preferences. Students in our music program benefit from a robust music education experience where they are exposed to a variety of music genres in several disciplines.

Finding The Perfect Fit

Beginning in middle school, students are first introduced to instrumental music in an exploratory class. In this class, they assess their skills and choose an instrument that best suits their individual personalities and strengths.

A boy student smiling and playing the cymbals.

Strumming Through Your Music Journey

As students progress through the program into high school, they hone their skills, participate in performances, and have the opportunity to compete in several ensembles. 

A girl student playing the violin.

Instrumental Program Tracks

Playing Beyond Our Walls

Mid State Ensemble

All State Ensemble

Honor Orchestra

All County Bands

Solo Contest

Ensemble Contest

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